
A. Major Highlights of the conference

  • Plenary sessions by the internationally acclaimed speakership
  • Panel discussions by the eminent scientists, academicians, policy makers, and industrialists.
  • Scientific sessions on conference themes
  • Oral paper and Poster presentations
  • Round table and Brainstorming sessions on international regulations for Ayurveda academia and Integrative Ayurveda.
  • Expo on Medicinal plants and Start-up & Entrepreneurship opportunity.
  • Pre-conference workshops.


The Pre-conference workshops will be held on 16-10-2024 at the AIIA campus on the following themes.

  • Plenary sessions by the internationally acclaimed speakership
  • Keraliya Kriyakrama in the prevention and management of NCDs.
  • Molecular understanding of gene expressions
  • Startup & Entrepreneurship
  • Ayur-informatics
  • Medicinal plants; cultivation to market.


An Expo is organized during the conference from 17th Oct to 19th Oct to showcase activities of Ayush Startups, Ayush Industries and partners of All India Institute of Ayurveda. It is an unique opportunity to witness cutting-edge products from startups to a mass audience including students, investors, and Conference attendees. The event will also highlight the contributions of Ayurveda Industry partners and collaborators in advancing Ayurveda. Explore groundbreaking initiatives and connect with industry leaders shaping the future of Ayurvedic research and development.


AROHA-2024 invites abstract on the following themes –
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Ayurveda for longevity: Rejuvenation and Health Promotion
Ayurveda for management and promotion of Mental Health
Ayurveda for Maternal and Child Health
Preventive and Management strategies for Communicable diseases
Preventive and Management strategies for Non-Communicable diseases /Lifestyle Related Disorders (LRD’s)
Research and advancements in the recent surgical, and para-surgical techniques.
Research and advancements in Eye and ENT practices in Ayurveda.
Scope and updates on Ayurveda Diet & Nutraceuticals
Ethnomedicine and Recent advancement in medicinal plants research.
Advances in the practice of Ayurvedic toxicology and adverse events/adverse effects of Ayurvedic interventions and their management
Bioinformatics, Omics, and Computational drug development
Scope of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Ayurveda
Innovations and Startups in Ayurveda.
Translational Research and Integrative Medicine.
Global Ayurveda; Scope, Challenges and regulations
Research & Advancements in Panchakarma
Scope and updates on Ayurveda Cosmetics.
Research in Ayurveda Manuscriptology

Guidelines for Abstract and Paper:

Only registered participants can submit their abstract in structured IMRD format comprising of title, authors, affiliation, and 3-5 Keywords. The abstract should be in Times New Roman font, with font size 12, 1.5 spacing, and Vancouver referencing style. The abstract should strictly not exceed 500 words. It should be submitted to the email aiia.aroha2024@gmail.com on or before 20-09-2024. The confirmation of the selection of abstracts for the oral and poster presentations will be intimated to the candidate by 25-09-2024.
The Scientific Committee of AROHA-2024 will screen all the submitted abstracts through review by the experts. The selection of the abstracts will be made following the criteria prescribed, and the decision of the scientific committee regarding the selection of abstracts for the Oral paper or Poster presentation will be final.
The full papers for original research work with a word limit of 3000 words, and for review articles 3000 to 5000 words, case reports up to 2000 words (excluding tables, figures, and references) with compliance to the specific reporting guidelines may be submitted. The papers adhering to the publication guidelines would be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN. Selected papers would be published in the special issue of JRAS and AyuCARE, peer-reviewed UGC care listed journals, published by All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi. The full papers and the PPTs are required to be submitted by 05-10-2024.

Guidelines for the Poster

Only registered participants can submit their abstracts for poster presentation. Posters on the given themes and their research outcomes, best practices, and short communications in medical education are allowed for presentation during the poster session.

  • Poster displays will be limited to the provided space, the recommended poster size is 4 feet by 2.5 feet (48 inches by 30 inches).
  • The poster should include the abstract title, author and co-author names, and the institution(s).
  • The e-mail address, phone, and fax numbers should be included in the upper right-hand corner of the poster.
  • It is recommended to bring the printed poster as per the specifications to the conference. Adhesives, pushpins, or thumbtacks will be provided for mounting the poster.


Registration details for pre-conference workshops:

  • The preconference workshop/Hands-on training includes a Registration Kit, High Tea, Lunch, and certificate.
  • One participant can register for only one pre-conference workshop.
  • The entry for the participants is limited to only 30 entries per workshop on first come first serve basis.
  • The registration fees for the pre-conference workshop do not include the fee for the main conference.
  • No accommodation will be provided to the participants.